Few words about Lynx Innovations |, An Israeli startup developing a biometric verified physical stamp device.

We at NETWORKING- Premium Co Working Spaces had the honor to host this innovative startup at our space in Sofia, Bulgaria,
where they have presented their technology and its immediate application to an everyday problem: The lack security of signing hard copy documents.
The stamp developed by Lynx, creates a QR code on the document that you are about to sign that includes a link to cloud storage (blockchain-based) of the document, a zip or a hash of the document and a biometric validation of you, the signer. Along with other collected data, it's all being packed into one tiny QR code that you stamp/print on the document.
Sounds secure right?
Wait until they get to the blockchain part of it...
So this document that you are signing will be backed forever on a hyperledger blockchain database aiding all of the trust and security of a private blockchain.
Unlike many coming soon, Blockchain projects Lynx has already produced a physical device, that is actually a small (in a size of a fist) stamp that has a biometric fingerprint reader, a printing device and it connects to the internet to sync the info when the connection is available.