Help2Help - Building Strong Communities
Volunteering is an act of selfless service that has the power to transform communities, enrich lives, and foster personal and professional growth. Volunteering is a meaningful way to contribute to the greater good, whether by lending a hand at a local shelter or participating in environmental conservation efforts.
As a company, we strive to expand and improve our coworking community. We know how important the people are, how important it is to help them grow and make them feel comfortable and at home - that is why we try to achieve this outside of the coworking community, as well as inside it. We believe in giving back and making a difference in the world, however big or small.
That's why we always try to initiate and participate in as many volunteering opportunities as we can - if there isn't one, we create it! #Help2Help is an initiative aiming to gather food and distribute it to older people and people with not as many possibilities as the rest of us. With the help of coworkers and companies like eCollect and FoodoBox, we were able to accumulate a substantial amount and then hand it out to people in the northwest of Bulgaria back in May.
The idea of #Help2Help started with one of our members, Blagovest Stoyanov, leading an initiative to collect and deliver clothes to a housing center in one of Sofia's neighborhoods.
If you are someone who likes to give back and help people, feel free to contact us if you have an idea for a way that we can continue helping and improving communities.